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Guild Commandments

Control your Mind

Be committed to continuously separating from your thoughts to make conscious decisions from a place of peace, not reactivity.


Be a Brother

We are not meant to be alone, since the beginning of time men have stood together, shared knowledge, embraced differences and learnt from their elders. We support one another.


Own your mind, body and soul

It is your responsibility to look after your mind, to honour your body and to acknowledge and respect your soul.


Be willing to let go of what is no longer serving you

As we learn about frequency and entrainment of the body mind and soul it is your responsibility to put these teachings into action to live your best possible life.


Commit to Standing in your Masculine

Courage, leadership, respect, being the protector of himself and those around.

Join us on this transformative journey to rediscover your true self, live in harmony with nature, and be part of a brotherhood that is redefining masculinity for a conscious, balanced, and fulfilling life


Commit to the Journey of being at one with Nature

See that you are not separate from nature you are nature and the lessons and healing that men are cut off from is the most life rewarding experience for men. You are expected to join in the plant dieta as that is the core of who we are.


We do not work from fear

Fear based programming, fear is false evidence appearing real, a man who is fear based is not in control of his destiny. And as we become one we create the balance within.


Seek to not Judge

Judgement separates us from our essence, find the beauty in all to help the warrior within see clearly. 


Hold your head up high

Be proud of who you are, as you walk your path life will be a roller coaster, but no matter what challenges you face ahead you face them with your head held high. 


Honour the Feminine 

Honour the feminine both within and with out, the feminine is not a weakness, it is your heart and embracing the feminine energies will make you a better man, and cultivate better relationships with women. 


"I had everything I needed to take home to become a new me. Forever grateful!"

Joe Davies, Manchester

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